Sunday, 14 July 2013


And there's a huge part of that world that still intrigues me
It pulls on my heart strings, it makes me feel like I belong, like i've come home
It couldn't be further from a safe, comfortable, home, feels like home.
Don't judge me, for we all have our weaknesses and this is mine...
I miss the place I once called home
I miss the trenches, the darkness and the danger
I miss the world I once belonged to
for now...I am just floating, floating above the clouds
Escaping once and for all
Trying to find a place I belong
A place I call home


one of my favourite movies of all time is GIA. The beautiful, tragic, touching story of Gia.
The first time I watched it, I resonated with what she said about people leaving....ten years later, the same line still stands out.

'WHERE ARE YOU GOING, PEOPLE ARE ALWAYS LEAVING, WHERE THE FUCK DO PEOPLE GO' Gia shouts as yet another person in her life says they have to leave. I feel like this today. People are always leaving. Is it better to be better off alone, than to let someone in, only for them to have to leave again...I am not so sure.