Thursday, 7 July 2011


Dress by: Anna Campbell
Anna Campbell dresses are divine. They are feminine, delicate and romantic.
Ceck out her dresses here
I just held that bridal gown against my body (much rather it had been a boy, a certain boy to be honest because it's never just a boy, it's always a certain boy and these boys are rare and special just like me) and I said to the assistant, You know I ALWAYS wanted to be a bride, but this colour white, it makes me looked washed out and pale. Oh wow, it doesn't make me look as pretty as I had always imagined.

Where's the bridesmaid dress section?

You can pick and choose your colours there, you're not confined to white and they're cheaper so I can cut them up and turn them into casual party dresses, party dresses will always be there when you need them and when I am done wearing it, It won't hurt me as it didn't cost as much as the beautiful white dress anyway.

So was did I continue to gravitate towards that white dress?

Because it's not about the dress, or the flowers, or the ring, its about what is symbolises (for me anyway) - the white dress says to me - finding someone that you say I do to. Someone that makes you love them that tiny bit more than yourself, someone you want to commit the REST of your life to, someone you are prepared to give up yourself for, risk everything for, leave everything for, share everything with. unity, togetherness, BE ONE with. Someone to wake up and share ALL of your secrets with, someone who understands you better than yourself at times, and someone who is prepared to risk it all for you.

As I stood there staring at myself in the mirror, in this beautiful blue dress, I looked prettier in it, thinner even, but I could finally see how much I really wanted the white dress, even if it did make me look paler and cost more ..  a whole lot more, it cost in faith, it cost in trust and it would cost in sacrifice...

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