Thursday, 24 May 2012


Can you swim in shark infested waters and not fear of being bitten/attacked

 .... if you live in fear it will paralyze you NOT to do anything - you always need to be cautious but you need to experience life with all the dangers that lurk .... that is part of the journey - the other option is living indoors looking out the window and watching others living and dying.


  1. I've been thinking a lot about this lately.. fear.. it's kept me from a million things.. and now I'm ready to take the plunge... I want to be adventurous.. leave fear behind... what's the worse that can happen?... die?.. we're all headed to that point anyway.. might as well enjoy the ride... right?
    I don't know.. but I'm about to do something fearless.. I need some excitement in my life.
    Any ideas?

  2. Litte Moon Lover - Me too. I am in a state of utter boredom. I don't like being bored. EVER.
    I want to pack a few belongings into a suitcase and move to a foreign country, city, or even state. One where I know noone and nothing. Where adventure, romance and the exploration of the unknown awaits. New and interesting people. New ideas, scenery, nothingness and everything at the same time.An unfamilar world.
