Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A Vision, A Dream

I was sitting on the train this evening when a song started playing through my headphones. The lyrics took me back to a happier time in my life. A time in my life, when I was sailing smoothly towards the shore that held my dream, the sun was out, the sky was blue, it was perfect indeed. And, most importantly, I was happy, very happy. As I listened to the lyrics over and over again, I was transported back there, and ...I was once again filled with joy.
I realised something in that moment, I have been very unhappy of late, and this is because…
I had forgotten about my dream.
Actually all of my dreams.

One too many failures and you want to give up. You think, if it hasn't happened now, it won't ever happen, it's too late, I'm too old, I'm not good enough.
I have put myself out there and hit the ground flat faced, not once, but many times.

Why not give up?
Around me, people are living their dreams and I think 'God, maybe this dream, this isn't for me, maybe I am not meant to be there, because if I was, I would surely be there by now. Surely if it was meant to happen it would have happened by now. People half my age are at the peak of their career, they have the perfect home, car, family. And here I am, striving and crying after yet another failure.

Asking why not me?
This was me. Today.and, everyday for the past two years.
Until that song took me back and reminded me WHY I must keep fighting, and why it makes me so happy to be in that dream place,
It reminded me that despite the failures I must push on. Because, because that dream, that place, it’s my happy place and it’s where I LONG to be.
As I sit here now, I am writing this to remind myself each day to look at that dream and pray over it and, keep working harder and harder towards it. Nothing happens over night and most importantly, it doesn’t happen without hard work.
I am going to daily proclaim if over my life. See myself living it. I am NOT going to stop dreaming.
If something brings us great joy, whatever that is, be it relationships, job, whatever, it is that your beautiful heart desires, it desires it for reason. And, you should have it. If you want it bad enough, you will keep fighting for it. And, if you don't give up, you will see it come to pass. Trust me, you will.
And, if it's a heart desire, God too has placed that there, and he wants you to have it at, just the right time and, you may feel like that is now, but remember timing is everything and sometimes we have no idea how much we are growing and equipping ourselves RIGHT NOW, in this season for what’s to come.
what's important is to be happy in journey, because there will never be another time like this. You will never be this young again, you will never have this day, this year, this moment back again. So enjoy the now, all whilst....holding that dream each day, keeping it alive, imagine it, see it coming to life, because without a dream and hope in our heart we are as good as dead. We cant give up on it just because it hasnt happpened yet or we have failed time and time and time again, how many times did Abraham Lincoln fail?
What about Walt Disney?
Barrack Obama was told to stick to lecturing...
Imagine it ..go after it..and do this
until the day comes when you will see that dream come out of your imagination and spring to life.
It's possible. I've seen the impossible become possible many times in my own life, and if these things have happened in my past and to me, they can happen to you too. I was a hopeless cause.
And, they IF I have come where I am today,  you can too. And, I need not stop here.
Keep that dream alive. Don't lose heart.
Here's what I think:
You've been through hell, you've cried your eyes out night, after night
If you've accomplished and survived all this, you can accomplish and survive anything.
Especially with gods army
Nothing will be impossible
No mountain to high
No river too deep
You will survive and in Abundance
and most importantly - why not you? You want it don't you? You're prepared to work for it? Go for it. DREAM BIG!

1 comment:

  1. dream big and work for it every day!! have the courage to make mistakes and just go for it.
    you see a failure is who never tries, they say, and its true...

    "half your age", oh come on sweet!!!
