Friday 15 July 2011


I should have said YES - I should have but i didn't think it would make a difference so i said no. Now I sit here and I realise how much more life would be if i had taken that chance. Said yes all those times i said no, spoke when i wanted to be silent, Stayed when I wanted to leave, went when I wanted to stay, nothing can bring back that moment, that hour, that day, and maybe IF I had said YES at the least I would have come home with a memory and experience, instead I said no to every opportunity that came my way.....and the thought of the lost opportunities, haunts me more then messing them up and doing just what my heart wanted.....

There is something to learn from every experience and we will not grow if we sit at home and watch the world go by because we are too afraid of the outcome. DO IT. DO IT afraid, if it all goes to shit, well at least you know you gave it your all and you tried. Another note in your book of experiences, another page in your journal another tick on the to-do list.
You can never take that moment back so just do it.

Photo:  SuzanneLouise 

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